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What To Insure If You’re Working From Home Long Term


The current pandemic brought on by the spread of the novel coronavirus has brought the home office into sharp focus.

The office landscape shifted dramatically in early 2020 when more and more persons were required, or opted, to work from home given the gravity of this highly contagious virus.

Once the idea of not going into a physical office settled and both on-line meetings and remote access became everyday practice, people began seeing working from home long term as a viable permanent option for their businesses.

There are a number of benefits to having things right at your fingertips and in the comfort of home. The most obvious is the economic benefit. The consolidation of operating costs should prove beneficial. There is also the convenience of not losing productive hours usually lost during the preparation for, and commute to, the office. There are also flexible work hours which can redound to the benefit of the business.

But having decided to stay home there are risks and that’s where having the most comprehensive property insurance comes in handy.

Having decided to work from home full time, the last thing you want is an unfortunate fire sweeping through your house and destroying everything in its path including your home office and taking important documents and equipment not covered under your policy. This can not only leave you without house and home, but a livelihood as well.

Ensure that your house, contents and valuable property, which includes the home office, are covered against risks such as fire and lightning, hurricane, cyclone, tornado or wind storm, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, malicious damage, and burglary.

In addition, speak to your property insurance provider about consequential loss/business interruption insurance packages to see you through this period of instability should the unfortunate occur.

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