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Accident Insurance ensures coverage of most expenses and liabilities incurred from various types of incidents.

The policies cover expenses incurred by business from a loss of transferred goods or funds, loss that as a result from breach of trust, and theft.


Many businesses are vulnerable to attacks on their money.

Solution: The Money Policy covers for loss of  business cash from incidents of robbery and hold up.

Policyholders are assured coverage if money/cash is lost in transit to and from the bank and between branch locations, This coverage can be available for eventualities during the opening hours of business and when your business is closed. Damage to safes and vaults is also covered.

It must be noted that ONLY money emanating from the business is covered. Personal cash or cash from businesses other than that stated in the policy or not declared in the proposal form is not covered.


Not many are able to replace the items within their business, if burglarised.

Burglary Insurance provides against loss or damage occasioned by theft following forcible and violent entry into, or exit from the Insured Premises.

Burglary is qualified as forcibly and violent entry into or out of the premises and General Accident offers this coverage for commercial properties.


Provide coverage for Loss of or damage to the goods of the Insured whilst in inland or inter isle transit.


Fidelity Guarantee Insurance seeks to protect organizations from loss of money, securities, or inventory resulting from fraud or dishonesty of employees.

Common Fidelity claims arising from alleged employee dishonesty, embezzlement, forgery, robbery, safe burglary, computer fraud, wire transfer fraud, counterfeiting, and other criminal acts.

© 2025 General Accident Insurance Company (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited