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10 Safety Tips When Driving with Baby/Toddlers/Kids

Road crashes continue to be an ongoing issue that negatively impacts Barbadians, especially the youth. UNICEF reported in 2021 that of the 483 road fatalities that were recorded, 69% came from the most vulnerable groups of road users: pedestrians, motorcyclists and children. Of the road fatalities in 2021, 25 were children (0-17 years).

These findings demonstrate that parents, guardians and caregivers should ensure that they take the necessary precautions. Here are 10 precautions that you must follow when you are driving with babies/toddlers/kids.

Have the right car seat 

Ensure your baby is in a rear-facing car seat until they are one year old. It will support their head, neck and spine. Be proactive by purchasing the car seat before the child arrives so that you can be ready for their first day. It is proven that car seats prevent death and serious injury involved in accidents. A Swedish study found that rear-facing child seats reduced the likelihood by ninety per cent compared to those without a car seat.

Secure loose objects or toys

Secure your child’s toys so that they don’t become loose and create a commotion when your baby can’t reach them. Fastening their favourite toys can also help teach them at an early age the relevance of wearing a seatbelt whenever you’re in a car. Also, when objects are restrained it reduces the chance of it injuring passengers during an accident.

Front seats are for adults

Children should never be allowed to sit in the front car seat unless they are tall enough for the seatbelt to accommodate them. Although it may be convenient to tend to them by wiping their noses or giving them your attention, you may be distracted.

Have a “barf” bag just in case

Place a plastic bag in the vehicle if it’s their first time. Being car sick is a problem that you must be prepared for as a parent. The sick bag should be within your reach and make sure to only give it to them if they absolutely need it.

Ensure that you have steady hands and feet


As a parent, driving smoothly is important. Handle the steering wheel, throttle, and brake pedals with care. Avoid jerking the wheel or stomping the pedal and look ahead for any hazards that you can anticipate.


Take regular breaks during long trips

Taking breaks regularly while driving with your children, and allowing them to use the restroom at various stops will help them to calm down. Children will tend to distract you when they are hungry or bored.

Keep your children occupied during the journey

Children can be restless during their journey if they do not have anything to do in the vehicle. It is important to keep their mind occupied by engaging them in a conversation. You may ask them about their studies, their friends or how their day went. Additionally, you speak to them about the importance of safe driving by giving examples while driving to your destination.

Activate child’s lock

Activating child’s lock is a crucial step in keeping your children safe during their commute. A child’s lock prevents the door from accidentally opening while the vehicle is moving. No one can enter a vehicle if the lock is activated. Hence, if a child attempts to open the door from the inside when they are seated in the rear seat and the child’s lock is activated, the door cannot be opened. While the lock is initiated, the door can only be activated from the outside. When you have stopped at your destination, you do this by disengaging the lock, which will ensure that everything goes back to normal.

Bring a friend

It is good to have support when dealing with children. One adult will be behind the wheel and another will be at the back taking care of the kids. When this is done, it will help you to focus on the road and keep your child in check in the back seat.

Be an example

Lastly, drive carefully. Communicate with your children and tell them about the joys of driving and how to do so safely. You may also want to familiarize them on what a car is so that they won’t be scared to drive in it.  Create a good image in their heads about driving so that they are excited to drive with you. This will help to form good driving practices in the future.

For more driving safety tips, visit our blog at

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