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GenAc Annual Blood Drive Returns with a Goal of 100 Units

Kingston, Jamaica: General Accident has announced the return of its Annual Blood Drive and this year, the goal is to surpass last year’s 55 unit target to collect 100 units of blood. Scheduled to take place on June 12, 2024, the blood drive aims to rally support and make a difference in the lives of those who rely on blood donations.

“Our Annual Blood Drive is a testament to our commitment to community health,” said Sharon Donaldson, Managing Director of General Accident. “We are excited to rally together once again to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who rely on blood donations for their health and well-being.”

The theme of this year’s blood drive is “Donate Blood for a Cause, Help Save Lives.” This theme encapsulates the essence of this noble cause and underscores the impact that each blood donation can have on saving lives. Donors can rest assured that donating blood is safe, easy, and incredibly rewarding. First-time donors will be guided through the process by experienced nurses and will be supported by their peers throughout the experience.

The proceeds from this year’s blood drive will go directly to the Chain of Hope Foundation, supporting their efforts to provide vital medical assistance to those in need.

“We are most appreciative of the partnership between Chain of Hope Jamaica & General Accident in hosting this drive, as we need this precious commodity in the process of providing hope and critical care to heart-sick kids,” Nola Phillpots Brown, General Manager of Chain of Hope shared.

“So far for 2024, in our dedicated Cardiac Centre, at Bustamante Children’s hospital, over 40 children have had heart procedures that needed blood from the Blood bank. Their

stock needs to be replenished. Five (5) other cardiac missions are planned for this year – each requiring up to 40 units of blood during which a child may need up to 5 units of blood. This blood drive is therefore critical to us. It allows us to collect blood to supplement the blood supplies at the blood bank, so that when the Cardiac team call for blood, they can respond,” Phillpots Brown added.

“We encourage everyone to invite their friends and family members to join us in this noble cause,” added Donaldson. “Together, we can make a significant impact and help save lives.”

Individuals are encouraged to make appointments in advance to ensure a smooth experience for all participants. Appointments can be made online at Free parking will also be made available to individuals who attend.

Join General Accident Jamaica in giving the gift of life at the Annual Blood Drive. Your donation could be the difference that saves a life. Let’s make a difference.