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5 Ways To Protect Your Car From Being Stolen

Protect Your Car From Being StolenMotor vehicle theft is a common threat in many countries, including Jamaica. Having the right motor vehicle insurance policy can help you mitigate the financial effects of a stolen car. But what are some ways you can safeguard your vehicle against thieves?

Here are five ways to reduce the risk of your car being stolen.

Keep the doors and windows locked

Whether you’ll be away from your vehicle for a minute, an hour or the entire night, it’s always a good idea to lock all access points to your vehicle before you leave it unattended.

Do not leave your keys in the ignition

No matter how quick an errand may be, whether running to get something from your house or exchanging quick greetings with someone you know, you should never leave your keys in the ignition of the vehicle or your engine running.

Pick a safe place to park

Poorly lit and lonely areas should be avoided. Parking where others will observe your vehicle will deter thieves. Look around to assess whether there are people hanging around for no apparent reason. If this is the case, find an alternative parking spot.

Install an audible alarm system and car tracker

Alarms attract attention, which is undesirable for thieves. Installing a car tracking device is helpful in the event that your car is stolen allowing you or the authorities to locate where it has been taken.

Avoid leaving valuables in the car

Do not leave cash and other valuables such as laptops, phones, work tools, and important documents exposed in your car. Before exiting your vehicle always check the seats and other visible areas for valuables.